Friday, May 15, 2009

New Zealanders to invite you to a tree to eat

New Zealanders to invite you to a tree to eatIf someone asks you: there have been in the tree on the experience of eating it? You must major said with a smile: it is patent squirrels. However, the beginning of this year in New Zealand there is a restaurant hanging on the tree open for business. It addresses the mysterious and singular appearance attracted the attention of the world's curiosity.

The Tree House Restaurant is located in Auckland, New Zealand's largest city 60 kilometers north of the vast forest. People have no way of knowing its exact location and telephone number, and only after the success of online reservations, restaurants, traffic lines will be told to specific customers, which add to the Tree House Restaurant thick layer of mystery. This does not completely mystify, because this restaurant built on private forest land, in accordance with the relevant provisions of New Zealand, operating side only tree in the permission to open the restaurant, guests can dine inside in the tree house, viewing, but can not go to the tree house to play outside the forest. Tree House Restaurant built on a 40 meters high, 1.7 meters in diameter red cedar on the great. It will soon look like a cocoon out from the chrysalis of the adsorption in the trees, like a fairy tale world is dry forests of giant onion. At night, carefully designed lighting to the restaurant reflects a very bright, like a Chinese lantern for the night, lighting the way back to the people.
New Zealanders to invite you to a tree to eatTree house kitchen and toilet in the ground, the restaurant itself is 10 meters high from the ground. Go through a 60-meter-long, such as red fir General Approach paved slope-shaped channel, around half were high on both sides of Poplar solid fence. Dangdang firmly at the top, the scent of trees blow against our faces. Tree House within 12 meters, 10 meters wide, the middle around the tree trunks is a bar, five tables around them, can only accommodate a maximum of 18 people dining. Sitting tall trees around the house: the main wood structure, top and tail, respectively, the umbrella ring with a two-tier structure of the stent firmly fixed in the trunk. Around the "wall" is a species landing "blind." Vertical curved sheet structure, 64 by the environmental protection made of pine boards. Lateral connections were done with poplar. This criss-cross, density has a circular wall to give a sense of security. It is commendable that the lighting of the tree house. Because Matsuzaka between each corresponding point of view, sufficient sunshine during the day, full of natural light, but also to make the forest beautiful 360-degree canyon glance. Night, 60 meters to set up covert channel lights, formed together with the dim light. Restaurant interior lighting from bottom-up approach, resulting in multi-level backlighting effects photography, tree houses and are enveloped in a halo of gold.

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